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The psychological benefits of neuropsychological assessment feedback as a psycho-educational therapeutic intervention: A randomized-controlled trial with cross-over in multiple sclerosis

The psychological benefits of neuropsychological assessment feedback as a psycho-educational therapeutic intervention: A randomized-controlled trial with cross-over in multiple sclerosis

Source : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09602011.2022.2047734?journalCode=pnrh20

ABSTRACT Evidence supporting the direct therapeutic benefits of neuropsychological assessment (NPA) feedback relies mostly upon post-feedback consumer surveys. This randomized-controlled trial with cross-over investigated the benefits of NPA feedback in multiple sclerosis (MS). Seventy-one participants were randomly allocated to NPA with feedback or a "delayed-treatment" control group.

Conclusion: Despite lack of improvement in the RCT component at 1-week post-NPA feedback, the absence of deterioration at this time, in addition to significant improvements in perceived cognitive functioning, self-efficacy and mood at follow-up, together with high satisfaction ratings, all support NPA feedback as a safe psycho-educational intervention that is followed by improved psychological wellbeing over time.